Posts tagged: Family

The Family as Church

Betty blue bordered (2)Blessed Pope John Paul II declared, “The family in fact is the basic unit of society and of the church. It is the ‘domestic church.’”

Mitch and Kathy Finley, in Building Christian Families, write:

“Within the family, the foundational experiences of the Christian life happen best, for both children and adults. For most people, it is within the fabric of family life that faith becomes real. In family life, we experience the deepest joys and our deepest anguish, which means that in family life we most often discover the Cross and Resurrection of Christ in our own experience. […]”

“Within the family and around the family table, children experience the meaning of the Eucharist long before they receive their First Communion. Within the fabric of life in the domestic church, child and adult experience the meaning of forgiveness and reconciliation, apart from any official sacramental celebration of the experience. In the family, both adults and children experience the Christian life at its most immediate, where the seeds of faith are planted and cultivated daily.”


The family is the fundamental building block of the Church. Family spirituality is defined by the Finleys as, “A family’s ongoing attempts to live every dimension of its life in communion with the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ.” We first learn our spirituality primarily from our family. As Christians, our purpose in life is to serve God and his people, to work for the good of others, that we may all grow closer to God as we build his kingdom here on earth and spread the Good News of his love through our actions.

Do your children know what it is to be Christian? And what it means to be Catholic (or your denomination)? Or, more broadly, what are your children (even grown children) learning about spirituality as they observe their parents’ everyday life?

If your children are little, think back to your own childhoods. What did you look forward to about how your family expressed its faith? What were your family spiritual traditions on Sunday mornings? On holidays? On vacations? I remember whirling around the living room with my grandpa on Sunday mornings after Mass, my feet placed carefully on top of his dress shoes. Does that memory make me more Christian? Actually, yes, I think so. I knew in those moments that Sundays were special days of joy. Days to spend with family. Not simply because they were days off, but because they were God’s day.

If your children are teenagers, do you speak openly with them about your faith? Do you ask them what they think about social justice, or priests they have known, or some of the ethical questions we struggle with today? Do you visit other parishes so they begin to understand the universality of our Church? Do you reach out to the less fortunate as a family?

Last weekend, my husband and I watched a documentary, Into the Arms of Strangers, about the 10,000 children who were sent away in the 1940s from German occupied lands to strangers in England, in their parents’ desperate hope of saving their lives. The separation traumatized both parents and children, but their children lived, when 1.5 million children who stayed behind did not survive. The story touched us deeply as we listened to these children, now grown into elderly men and women, talk about how their parents struggled, in the few days between learning their children were accepted to the freedom trains and sending them off, (in most cases, never to see them again) to impart to them all the wisdom and faith that they would have spoken and modeled over their lifetimes.

Whatever the age of your children, even if they are greying themselves, don’t leave for later what you want them to know about your very personal faith. If you are uncomfortable at the thought of talking about such a personal issue, (Why are the most important things to say the hardest?) consider writing it down today. Here’s a start:

I know there is a God because once…

I know He loves me because…

I believe He wants me to treat his children with love and respect. I learned this when….

I know God answers prayers. He answered mine once when… (Maybe he said no, and you only came to understand what a good thing that was later.)

I believe in heaven. I’m not looking forward to dying, but I’m looking forward to asking God a few questions when I get there. And I’m looking forward to seeing my loved ones: _____.

I know God forgives. I learned this when I was forgiven once by ____. If they could forgive me and I know God loves me even more than they, He must forgive us even better.

I chose the church I attend because______ (our family always has been, or I converted because, or whatever your story is)


Our faith should be so important to us that we take care to pass it on to our children as a family treasure. May we recognize our treasure this week!





Unconditional Love

bettyarrigotti photo blogWelcome to this new Lenten series of 4 Minutes for Growth!

This year we concentrate on the family.

John Powell, S.J., starts us off with his timeless book, Unconditional Love: Love without Limits. I chose this book because unconditional love must be the basis of family life. Though we all fall short at times, loving without preconditions should be our goal—the type of love we continually strive to achieve and maintain. Unconditional love says, “No matter what, I will not reject you. I’m committed to your growth and happiness. I will always love you.”

Powell reminds us that love is not a feeling, but rather a decision and a choice. We choose to place another’s welfare on the same level as, and sometimes even above, our own. By so doing we bring true meaning to our lives. Such meaning, or self-fulfillment, is an elusive quality which we can’t capture by direct pursuit but only attain as a by-product of loving.

Unconditional love says: I will love you, I will encourage you by helping you to be aware of your strengths, and when necessary I will challenge you to grow.

Most times this love will be tender and gentle, but not always. Sometimes unconditional love must be tough love, when truly wanting what is best for someone’s growth and happiness means not giving them what they want, but rather what is essential. A spouse may need to firmly point out a loved one’s self-destructive choices, or a parent will set limits to protect a child who is not ready for the independence he or she demands. A wife might ask her husband to cut back on his time away from home, or a mother might forbid a son to attend a party that “everyone else” is allowed to attend. Love is not unconditional if it weakly allows poor choices in order to avoid uncomfortable confrontation.

However, even tough love is not harsh. Sometimes as parents we think we need to constantly correct in order to assure our children’s proper growth. But a child does not flourish under criticism. Rather, Powell contends:


There is nothing else that can expand the human soul, actualize the human potential for growth, or bring a person into the full possession of life more than a love which is unconditional. […] Unconditional love is liberating. It frees the loved one to be authentic and real.


I think most people would agree that our children deserve unconditional love. We parents know we fall short, but we remain determined to love our children no matter what they do. It gets harder, though, when we turn it around. Shouldn’t we love our parents unconditionally, too? They weren’t perfect, but neither are we. And, even more difficult, what about our siblings? Heaven knows, siblings can find and attack our vulnerabilities. Do I need to love them unconditionally after what they did… or continue to do?

(Apologies to my two brothers. I’m speaking generally here, not specifically. Though I also apologize for when I didn’t treat you with the love I should have.)

Granted, not all family members are healthy to be around. Sadly, some are caustic, and boundaries must be raised in order to protect our emotional well-being. We mustn’t fear that loving another unconditionally will mean losing ourselves. In fact, in order to love another we must first love ourselves, as much as we are able, unconditionally. God has made us and declared us good and he has shown us we are loveable and worthy of the greatest sacrifice. So we come to love others, not out of weakness, but out of strength and awareness of our worth. It would be unloving to allow others to treat us with disrespect.

Yet, for spiritual and emotional health, unconditional love calls us to endeavor to forgive the wrongs of the past, even from a distance. That way, if the family member ever makes changes for the better, we will be ready to reconnect.

God’s word to us in the Bible is full of stories of unconditional love. We read of the prodigal son’s father, who knew unconditional love requires forgiveness and so ran to embrace his son at his penitent return. We believe that Jesus demonstrated unconditional love as he died for our sins and yet bid his Father, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

These are our models for building strong families. We must offer our family a lifetime of striving to love them unconditionally, forgiving them for their mistakes and asking forgiveness for our own, but always trying again to love, encourage, and challenge each other to be the best we each can be.


Next week we will turn to Building Christian Families, by Mitch and Kathy Finley.

Blessings on your first week of Lent!


How is submitting a manuscript like sending a daughter to college?

Betty blue bordered (2)The same questions confront me.

Before my daughter or my novel ever left home I wondered, “Did we choose the destination well?” “Would this college be a good fit for my daughter” now becomes, “Will this editor/agent/publisher find my novel to be a good fit with their vision?” Just as I questioned whether the world would be kind and see the treasure that my daughters are, I now hope the world will appreciate my book.

“Will she settle in and find friends” parallels, “Will my manuscript find a home?” First an agent’s assistant must see something of value in those pivotal first pages so he or she will pass it on to the agent. If the first chapters pique the agent’s interest, he (in this case) will request the full manuscript. If the remaining chapters don’t let him down and he sees it as a good fit with what publishers seek, he will send it to editors. If one of them likes the concept, the storyline, and my writing, PLUS it aligns with what their publishing house plans to promote, that person will take it to committee and it will compete with other agents’ projects.

Should I have done more? With my daughters, I wondered if they knew enough about laundry and nutrition and choice of friends, not to mention the dangers of dating. With my novel, I wonder if I edited thoroughly enough. Is there enough description? (An element that doesn’t come naturally to me.) Are the plot points and challenges to the hero and heroine believable? Did my message come across or is it too subtle or too obvious?

Will she/my novel settle down and work? Assuming my story beats the odds and is contracted to be published, will readers like it? Will they keep turning the pages and take the book’s heart into their own? Will their world shine a bit brighter because of it? Will they recommend it to their friends and initiate the vital word-of-mouth momentum?

Should we afford this venture? As in the days when we had four daughters to send to school, resources stretch thin. Writing as a career or ministry means foregoing the income I could earn if I weren’t writing. However, finances aren’t the only challenge. I must commit to doing all I can to promote this book, while I continue to find time to write the next one and to market my other novels.

As I wondered how my daughters would do, I also wondered if I would adapt to this new stage in my life. Would I be lonely or feel a new freedom, or both? If my novel succeeds and I begin to become a recognized author, what will I miss about my current status? Will deadlines stress my days and night? Will I lose my flexibility to respond to family requests? Will I be less available to daughters and husband?

When my daughters became young adults I began to pray for wisdom to know when to speak up and when to keep my opinion to myself. That seemed a difficult transition for me. After years of teaching and advising my girls, this new stage required I back off a bit and trust both their choices and their ability to learn from their consequences. I will need the same wisdom to appreciate the recommendations of agents, editors, publishers, and marketers, as well as know when to stand my ground for the integrity of the story. Like the new phase of parenting, perhaps the best question for me to ask those who work to see my book succeed will be, “How can I help?”


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