Grandparenting Support & Summary

Behind in reading these Lenten posts? I’ll include a quick summary of highlights below. But first, a short discussion of grandparents and support.


Sometimes grandparenting involves unexpected circumstances. On Monday, one of our grandchildren needed to be admitted at the hospital. That evening, her siblings came to stay with us for a couple of nights. We always love having them but had started a huge project in several rooms, so first worked to get the house ready, putting away temptations and making up beds. Then we focused on thoroughly enjoying the time we shared. The hospital stay is over, with the best of possible outcomes, and the children have gone home. What we thought might be a quick socially-distanced outdoor visit during Easter weekend turned into an extended in-home Holy Week gift of time. I think God laughs at our carefully made plans and occasionally treats us to more than we had hoped.

We were blessed to be a support system for our daughter’s family in her time of need. Her sisters became a support for us as one ran errands to help out, and another sent ideas to entertain the little ones. We all, occasionally, need to support or be supported. Letting someone help you when you need it is a gift to them. They can feel the joy of doing a good deed. Why would we deny someone the chance to be a giver? Don’t rob people of the blessing that comes from helping others.

We can be resources for other grandparents and encourage them with ideas or experiences that have worked for us. Please leave comments if you have fun grandparenting ideas or tips to overcome challenges.

Summary of Earlier Grandparenting Highlights by Week

  1. The grandparent/grandchild relationship is a treasure. We can love and support our grandchildren without the parental responsibility of discipline and the worry for their future. We can simply enjoy who they are now. Our hard-won wisdom and experience can be used to assist their parents, when requested.
  2. Grandparenting well can be seen as a ministry, whether you pass on your faith overtly, or through your example of living your values. Let’s become the best people God created us to be, so that our grandchildren can look up to us and see someone worth emulating.
  3. Challenges come with grandparenting, from distance, to changing times, to welcoming blended families. Make the effort to stay connected, to support your children in their parenting styles, and to treat all the grandchildren equitably, whether born into your family or welcomed later. Keep communication open so trouble spots can be dealt with graciously.
  4. Pray for your grandchildren, pray in front of your grandchildren, and pray with your grandchildren, with your children’s permission.
  5. We grandparents are the historians and storytellers for our grandchildren. We are their connection to the past. Delight them with stories of their younger years, their parents as children, and your own childhood.
  6. Listen well to your grandchildren, gifting them with your full attention. Model being a forgiving person. Forgive them, their parents, and yourself. Be quick to ask for forgiveness when you are wrong.
  7. Be readily willing to help your children and grandchildren. Accept assistance from them graciously. Be supportive of other grandparents.

Pope Francis recently announced the institution of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will take place each year on the fourth Sunday in July, close to the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Pope Francis said, “The Holy Spirit even today stirs up thoughts and words of wisdom in the elderly. The voice of the elderly is precious, because it sings the praises of God and preserves the roots of the peoples.” The Holy Father said he instituted the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly because “grandparents are often forgotten, and we forget this wealth of preserving roots and passing on” what the elderly have received.

Blessed Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday! May we be a resurrection people. Resurrection originally meant to stand up or rise again. May we stand up for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for those who need our support. May we stand against evil. May we rise to Love!


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