Slowing Down 2 – Margins, Interruptions
Did you make any progress on being less busy this week? Don’t lose heart; it’s a process. Slowing down to the speed of joy isn’t just about shortening your to-do list. It’s about finding the right speed for each activity, so that you can maintain a sense of calm joy. For instance, Mary traveled “in haste” to help her cousin Elizabeth. You would move “in haste” to keep your toddler safe from danger. Sometimes the right speed is haste. Sometimes, it is a full stop. We stop our busyness to pray, to honor the Sabbath, or to focus on a loved one who needs us to listen.
Sometimes the right speed is slow. Power walks have their place, but a stroll can allow you to appreciate God’s gifts of nature. You have time to hear the birds, smell the aroma of daffodils as you pass them, or really listen to a neighbor or walking partner.
Matthew Kelly says, “The distinction between intense activity and mere busyness is this: When we are living at the speed of joy we can fully engage in demanding tasks while preserving inner calm and growing more aware of the needs of others. … The speed of joy is wise and adaptable. It mindfully selects the speed most appropriate for the task at hand. The speed of joy is the ideal speed for each activity. … The speed of joy is about giving each task the time it needs to be done with excellence and joy.”
Sometimes the right speed is to pause, especially when we are interrupted. If we just react to the interruption, we might not respond in a helpful or gracious way. If we pause and take time to consider what the interrupter needs, we can decide on if, how, or when it would be best to help. We choose our response, rather than reacting without thinking.
Kelly writes, “We are trying to learn how to manage interruptions virtuously. Stay calm and composed. Take a deep breath before reacting and give yourself a chance to respond. Set boundaries. Prioritize interruptions. Give the person your full attention for a moment so you can assess the urgency of the interruption. Ask yourself: What is the need? Where is the pain? … If you are not going to attend to it now, politely let the person know you will attend to it later. Provide a specific timeframe if that is possible.”
He continues, “Jesus made interruptions beautiful. He welcomed them. His unhurried approach to life predisposed him to handling interruptions with compassion and kindness. … Jesus’ whole public life was made up of interruptions. The only role that comes close in our society is that of a mother. What looks like an interruption to others, she just sees as part of her day. (…) Jesus loved interruptions. Why? He didn’t see them as interruptions at all. He saw them as people.”
Another help as we try to find the speed of joy is to plan margin into our schedules. Rather than pack in as many activities as possible, we should realize that the unexpected is inevitable. Allow yourself a little extra time to handle surprises, a little extra energy to be ready to help, or a little extra money for the unexpected situations that can ruin a tight budget. We’ll find ourselves less stressed as the unexpected happens, because we know we allowed for it. We’ll be more generous when others need us.
Again, Kelly writes, “Margin is simply a matter of knowing our limits and making decisions with our limits in mind. We need to learn to build margin into our schedules and our budgets to maintain a healthy gap between our load and our limits. Living within your limits decreases stress and anxiety, and living within your limits instantly increases your joy.”
Jesus was never in a hurry. He took His time when he heard Lazarus was sick and even arrived after he died. He didn’t rush the woman who wept and washed His feet. He spent time alone in prayer, going off into the wilderness to protect His serenity. He spent three years teaching His disciples, and His patience with them must have been tested over and over. (As is His patience with us, I suspect.) And He spent three hours of agony in the garden before He was arrested. But that time must have been what He needed, because He went to His death demonstrating a spirit of acceptance.
I have a quote I need frequently:
“When you feel the absolute calm has been broken—away with Me until your heart sings, and all is strong and calm.” (Taken from God Calling, meditation for February 21st)
Take a little extra time “away” with God. Ask Him to help you find the perfect speed for each activity, the speed of joy.
Blessings on your Lent! Have happy St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Days next week!
Author of Christian Love Stories, available at Amazon:
Hope and a Future (Marriage)
Where Hope Leads (Pre-Marriage)
When the Vow Breaks (Family secrets)
Their Only Hope (Standing up to evil)
Miriam’s Joy! (Virgin Mary visits us to heal)
Joseph’s Joy, The Family Man (St. Joseph visits to help families)
He Saw Jesus (People are the body of Christ.)
Quotes from: Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy: The Simple Art of Taking Back Your Life, by Matthew Kelly.