Slowing Down 4 – Enough
Welcome back! We have talked about the need to slow down for our own benefit, but also to be available to our loved ones and to God. We are working on knowing our limits, seeing interruptions as people, and allowing some margin in our schedules.
Today we turn to the idea of Enough.
Have you heard the sayings, “You can never get enough of what you don’t need,” or “What you don’t need never satisfies?” They suggest that focusing on acquiring things or experiences you don’t really need will never lead to true satisfaction or happiness, as those things will ultimately fail to fill a void. Even if we acquire a large quantity of things we don’t need, they won’t provide the same sense of fulfillment or happiness as things that genuinely serve a purpose or are important to us. We need a shift in focus towards appreciating what we already have and finding contentment rather than constantly striving for more.
Similarly, in Matthew Kelly’s, Slowing Down to the Speed of Joy, he writes that the secret of life is to want the right things, and “the right things to want are those that lead you and others to flourish.” He says, “Wanting what you need is wisdom, but our desires are not all good for us. (…) Wanting the wrong things can drain and destroy us, prevent us from flourishing, and steal our joy. And the faster and busier your life the more likely you are to want the wrong things.”
In all aspects of life, most of us don’t ever calculate how much is enough. The result is that we perpetually think we don’t have enough. In fact, he insists that “One of the primary reasons we don’t slow down is because we don’t think we have enough. One of the main reasons we are excessively busy is because we don’t think we are enough. (…) Knowing that you have enough, that you are enough—here, now, today—is essential to slowing down to the speed of joy.”
Knowing we have and are enough is a gift, but one that runs counter to this society, which seems to have brought us to an age of discontent. We are encouraged to always want more—more money, more experiences, more luxuries—but still we aren’t satisfied.
If, instead, we realize we have enough, and are grateful, we find contentment.
Kelly says, “Enough + Gratitude = Contentment.”
Sadly, the opposite of gratitude is entitlement, a state of mind that, over the years, each older generation tends to consign to the younger generation. Kelly says, “The more you think you are entitled to something, the less you will be satisfied with it. (…) A person possessed by entitlement is incapable of being grateful. Entitlement and unhappiness are synonymous. If you think life owes you something, you will end up feeling cheated.” Yet, there’s hope. “Gratitude cures so much restlessness and dissatisfaction.”
He adds, “It’s impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time. (…) Gratitude is the virtue of rejoicing in what is. It is the quality of being thankful. It expresses appreciation for all that is good, true, and beautiful in our lives. (…) The enough mindset facilitates gratitude, the path to contentment.”
Kelly advises that we “Identify what is essential (the vital few) and focus on that.” If we do so, we can regain control of our choices about how to spend our time and energy.
What is essential for you? He says you can find the answer to that question by asking yourself:
- Who am I?
- Why am I here?
- How do I do that?
- What matters most?
- What matters least?
What is enough? The right amount. Too much is dangerous. Greed will lead us toward too much. Less can be more.
As we choose our “enough” and schedule our days, Kelly advises we reject the idea of FOMO, Fear of Missing Out. Accept that we will miss out on nearly everything because no one can do or have it all. “Just try not to miss out on the things God intended just for you.” He recommends we turn FOMO into JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out.
This brings us back to our need for leisure. We require time to contemplate, to reflect, and to pray, so that we can know how much is the optimal amount of anything:
- Sleep
- Food
- Possessions (Too many become a burden and a source of stress, a barrier to flourishing.)
- Money (Too much and you cease to become a better version of yourself.)
- Entertainment, etc.
“Knowing what to want, learning how to be content, discovering what the vital few are for you and your family, realizing how little we actually need and that there is a right amount of anything.… These are all powerful lessons that make it easier to slow down to the speed of joy.”
Our time is limited. We can’t get more hours in a day or more years in our life. If we think we don’t have enough time, Kelly asks, “What are you attempting to do that you should not be doing?” He says that we have exactly enough time to do what we should be doing. We don’t have enough time to waste, or to procrastinate, to be unkind, or hurtful, or to worry about what anyone else thinks of us. Yet there is plenty of time to flourish, be grateful, be generous, and do what God wants us to do.
“More time isn’t the answer. The answer is: careful selection, prayerful discernment, a grateful heart, and acknowledgment of the reality of our finitude.”
Slow down. Slow down to the speed of joy. Flourish. Do God’s will for you.
“The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” (Psalm 23)
We are more than halfway through Lent! Blessings on the weeks ahead, and may you gain all that God has in store for you.